Source code for netrd.reconstruction.optimal_causation_entropy


Graph reconstruction algorithm based on Sun et al., SIAM (2015)

author: Chia-Hung Yang
Submitted as part of the 2019 NetSI Collabathon.

from .base import BaseReconstructor
from netrd.utilities.entropy import categorized_data, conditional_entropy
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from ..utilities import create_graph

[docs]class OptimalCausationEntropy(BaseReconstructor): """Optimizes causation entropy."""
[docs] def fit(self, TS, n_bins=40, atol=1e-6, **kwargs): r"""Reconstruct causal parents of nodes by optimizing causation entropy. Optimal causation entropy method reconstructs parents of nodes in a causal diagram for systems that rest on three Markov assumptions: Let :math:`X_t` be the system state at time :math:`t`, denote node :math:`i`'s causal parents as :math:`N_i` and its state as :math:`X_t^{(i)}`. The following three statements hold for every node :math:`i`: 1. :math:`P(X_t | X_{t-1}, X_{t-2}, ...) = P(X_t | X_{t-1}) = P(X_{t'} | X_{t'-1})` 2. :math:`P(X_t^{(i)} | X_{t-1}) = P(X_t^{(i)} | X_{t-1}^{(N_i)})` 3. :math:`P(X_t^{(i)} | X_{t-1}^{(J)}) \neq P(X_t^{(i) | X_{t-1}^{(K)}})` whenever :math:`J, K` are sets of nodes such that :math:`J \cap N_i \neq K \cap N_i` Sun et al. proved that for any set of nodes :math:`I` in systems satisfying the above three conditions, its causal parents :math:`N_I` is the minimal set of nodes :math:`K` that maximizes the causation entropy :math:`C_{K \rightarrow I}`. The more general form of causation entropy is defined as :math:`C_{J \rightarrow I | K} = H(X_{t+1}^{(I)} | X_t^{(K)}) - H(X_{t+1}^{(I)} | X_t^{(K)}, X_t^{(J)})` where :math:`H(X|Y)` is the conditional entropy of :math:`X` conditioned on :math:`Y`. Sun et al. also showed that the causal parents :math:`N_I` can be efficiently found by first building a superset :math:`S \supset N_I` via heuristic and then removing noncausal nodes in :math:`S`. The causal diagram can hence be reconstructed from time series data by applying the proposed algorithm to every node. The results dictionary stores the causal parents of individual nodes in `'parents'` and the raw adjacency matrix in `'adjacency_matrix'`. Parameters ---------- TS (np.ndarray) :math:`N \times L` array consisting of :math:`L` observations from :math:`N` sensors. data (np.ndarray) Array of data with nodes as columns and observations of quantity on nodes as rows. n_bins (int) Number of bins when transforming continuous data into its binned categorical version (universal for all nodes). atol (float) Absolute tolerance to determine whether causalentropy is closed to zero. Returns ------- G (nx.Graph) A reconstructed graph with :math:`N` nodes. Notes ----- 1. Nodes' causal parents can be found in ``results['parents']``. 2. Current implementation naively thresholds the causation entropy to determine whether it's closed to zero or not. This can potentially lead to sensitivity to the tolerance hyperparameter. Sun et al. suggested to perform a permutation test for every causation entropy computed to determine its siginificance, which is more costly on computations. References ---------- .. [1] Sun et al., SIAM (2015) """ data = TS.T # Transpose the time series to make observations the rows _, N = data.shape # Transform the data into its binned categorical version, # which is a pre-processing before computing entropy data = categorized_data(data, n_bins) # Find causal parents of each node adjlist = dict() for node in range(N): parents = causal_superset({node}, data, atol) remove_noncausal(parents, {node}, data, atol) adjlist[node] = parents # Build the reconstructed graph A = nx.to_numpy_array(nx.DiGraph(adjlist).reverse()) G = create_graph(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph(), remove_self_loops=False) self.results['adjacency_matrix'] = A self.results['graph'] = G self.results['parents'] = adjlist return G
def causal_superset(nodes_I, data, atol): """ Return a superset of causal parents for a set of nodes :math:`I` by a heuristic (adding node that maximizes causation entropy aggregatively). Parameters ---------- nodes_I (set): Set of node indices. data (np.ndarray): Array of categorical data with nodes as columns and observations of quantity on nodes as rows, which will be involved in computing causation entropy. atol (float): Absolute tolerance to determine whether causation entropy is closed to zero. """ _, N = data.shape superset = set() nodes = set(range(N)) # Set of nodes that are not in the superset max_entrp = np.inf candidate = set() # Candidate node to be added to the superset # Aggregatively add the node which leads to maximum causal entropy to the # superset, until the maximum causation entropy is closed to zero within a # given absolute tolerance while max_entrp > atol and len(nodes) > 0: superset |= candidate nodes -= candidate # print(f'Node {candidate} is added to the superset.') # Find the node outside of the superset with maximum causation entropy _max = -np.inf for n in nodes: cand = {n} entrp = causation_entropy(data, nodes_I, cand, superset) if entrp > _max: _max = entrp candidate = cand max_entrp = _max return superset def remove_noncausal(superset, nodes_I, data, atol): """ Remove noncausal nodes in the superset of nodes :math:`I`'s causal parents, where noncausal nodes are identified via zero causation entropy. Parameters ---------- superset (set): Set of node indices, which contains the causal parents. nodes_I (set): Set of node indices. data (np.ndarray): Array of categorical data with nodes as columns and observations of quantity on nodes as rows, which will only be involved in computing causation entropy. atol (float): Absolute tolerance to determine whether causation entropy is closed to zero. """ nodes = superset.copy() # Set of nodes in the superset for n in nodes: cand = {n} # Candidate node to be removed entrp = causation_entropy(data, nodes_I, cand, superset - cand) # print(f'CSE from node {cand} = {entrp}') if entrp <= atol: superset -= cand # print(f'Node {cand} is removed from the superset.') def causation_entropy(data, nodes_I, nodes_J, nodes_K): """ Return the causation entropy from a set of nodes :math:`J` to nodes :math:`I` conditioning on nodes :math:`K`. Parameters ---------- data (np.ndarray): Array of categorical data with nodes as columns and observations of quantity on nodes as rows. nodes_I, nodes_J, nodes_K (set): Sets of node indices. Returns ------- entrp (float): Causation entropy defined as :math:`C_{J \rightarrow I | K} = H(X_{t+1}^{(I)} | X_t^{(K)}) - H(X_{t+1}^{(I)} | X_t^{(K)}, X_t^{(J)})` where :math:`H(X|Y)` is the conditional entropy of :math:`X` conditioned on :math:`Y`. """ # If nodes_J is a subset of nodes_K, return 0 to avoid redundancy if nodes_J <= nodes_K: return 0 _vars = tuple(nodes_I) conds = tuple(nodes_K) joint = tuple(nodes_K | nodes_J) entrp = conditional_entropy(data[1:, _vars], data[:-1, conds]) entrp -= conditional_entropy(data[1:, _vars], data[:-1, joint]) return entrp