Source code for netrd.distance.ipsen_mikhailov


Graph distance based on paper:
Evolutionary reconstruction of network
Available here:

author: Guillaume St-Onge
Submitted as part of the 2019 NetSI Collabathon.


import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from .base import BaseDistance
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import laplacian
from scipy.linalg import eigh
from scipy.integrate import quad
from ..utilities.graph import unweighted

[docs]class IpsenMikhailov(BaseDistance): """Compares the spectrum of the Laplacian matrices."""
[docs] @unweighted def dist(self, G1, G2, hwhm=0.08): """Compare the spectrum ot the associated Laplacian matrices. The results dictionary also stores a 2-tuple of the underlying adjacency matrices in the key `'adjacency_matrices'`. Parameters ---------- G1, G2 (nx.Graph) two networkx graphs to be compared. hwhm (float) half with at half maximum of the lorentzian kernel. Returns ------- dist (float) the distance between G1 and G2. Notes ----- Requires undirected networks. References ---------- .. [1] """ N = len(G1) # get the adjacency matrices adj1 = nx.to_numpy_array(G1) adj2 = nx.to_numpy_array(G2) self.results['adjacency_matrices'] = adj1, adj2 # get the IM distance dist = _im_distance(adj1, adj2, hwhm) self.results['dist'] = dist return dist
def _im_distance(adj1, adj2, hwhm): """Computes the Ipsen-Mikhailov distance for two symmetric adjacency matrices Base on this paper : Note : this is also used by the file Parameters ---------- adj1, adj2 (array): adjacency matrices. hwhm (float) : hwhm of the lorentzian distribution. Returns ------- dist (float) : Ipsen-Mikhailov distance. """ N = len(adj1) # get laplacian matrix L1 = laplacian(adj1, normed=False) L2 = laplacian(adj2, normed=False) # get the modes for the positive-semidefinite laplacian w1 = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigh(L1)[0][1:])) w2 = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigh(L2)[0][1:])) # we calculate the norm for both spectrum norm1 = (N - 1) * np.pi / 2 - np.sum(np.arctan(-w1 / hwhm)) norm2 = (N - 1) * np.pi / 2 - np.sum(np.arctan(-w2 / hwhm)) # define both spectral densities density1 = lambda w: np.sum(hwhm / ((w - w1) ** 2 + hwhm ** 2)) / norm1 density2 = lambda w: np.sum(hwhm / ((w - w2) ** 2 + hwhm ** 2)) / norm2 func = lambda w: (density1(w) - density2(w)) ** 2 return np.sqrt(quad(func, 0, np.inf, limit=100)[0])