Source code for netrd.distance.quantum_jsd


Graph distance based on the quantum $q$-Jenson-Shannon divergence.

De Domenico, Manlio, and Jacob Biamonte. 2016. “Spectral Entropies as
Information-Theoretic Tools for Complex Network Comparison.” Physical Review X
6 (4).

author: Stefan McCabe & Brennan Klein
Submitted as part of the 2019 NetSI Collabathon.


import warnings
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import expm
from .base import BaseDistance
from ..utilities import undirected, unweighted

[docs]class QuantumJSD(BaseDistance): """Compares the spectral entropies of the density matrices."""
[docs] @undirected @unweighted def dist(self, G1, G2, beta=0.1, q=None): r"""Square root of the quantum :math:`q`-Jensen-Shannon divergence between two graphs. The generalized Jensen-Shannon divergence compares two graphs b √(H0 - 0.5 * (H1 + H2))y the spectral entropies of their quantum-statistical-mechanical density matrices. It can be written as .. math:: \mathcal{J}_q(\mathbf{\rho} || \mathbf{\sigma}) = S_q\left( \frac{\mathbf{\rho} + \mathbf{\sigma}}{2} \right) - \frac{1}{2} [S_q(\mathbf{\rho}) + S_q(\mathbf{\sigma})], where :math:`\mathbf{\rho}` and :math:`\mathbf{\sigma}` are density matrices and :math:`q` is the order parameter. The density matrix .. math:: \mathbf{\rho} = \frac{e^{-\beta\mathbf{L}}}{Z}, where .. math:: Z = \sum_{i=1}^{N}e^{-\beta\lambda_i(\mathbf{L})} and :math:`\lambda_i(\mathbf{L})` is the :math:`i`th eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix :math:`L`, represents an imaginary diffusion process over the network with time parameter :math:`\beta > 0`. For these density matrices and the mixture matrix, we calculate the Rényi entropy of order :math:`q` .. math:: S_q = \frac{1}{1-q} \log_2 \sum_{i=1}^{N}\lambda_i(\mathbf{\rho})^q, or, if :math:`q=1`, the Von Neumann entropy .. math:: S_1 = - \sum_{i=1}^{N}\lambda_i(\mathbf{\rho})\log_2\lambda_i(\mathbf{\rho}). Note that this implementation is not exact because the matrix exponentiation is performed using the Padé approximation and because of imprecision in the calculation of the eigenvalues of the density matrix. Parameters ---------- G1, G2 (nx.Graph) two networkx graphs to be compared beta (float) time parameter for diffusion propagator q (float) order parameter for Rényi entropy. If None or 1, use the Von Neumann entropy (i.e., Shannon entropy) instead. Returns ------- dist (float) the distance between `G1` and `G2`. References ---------- .. [1] De Domenico, Manlio, and Jacob Biamonte. 2016. "Spectral Entropies as Information-Theoretic Tools for Complex Network Comparison." Physical Review X 6 (4). """ if beta <= 0: raise ValueError("beta must be positive.") if q and q >= 2: warnings.warn("JSD is only a metric for 0 ≤ q < 2.", RuntimeWarning) def density_matrix(A, beta): """ Create the density matrix encoding probabilities for entropies. This is done using a fictive diffusion process with time parameter :math:`beta`. """ L = np.diag(np.sum(A, axis=1)) - A rho = expm(-1 * beta * L) rho = rho / np.trace(rho) return rho def renyi_entropy(X, q=None): """ Calculate the Rényi entropy with order :math:`q`, or the Von Neumann entropy if :math:`q` is `None` or 1. """ # Note that where there are many zero eigenvalues (i.e., large # values of beta) in the density matrix, floating-point precision # issues mean that there will be negative eigenvalues and the # eigenvalues will not sum to precisely one. To avoid encountering # `nan`s in `np.log2`, we remove all eigenvalues that are close # to zero within 1e-6 tolerance. As for the eigenvalues not summing # to exactly one, this is a small source of error in the # calculation. eigs = np.linalg.eigvalsh(X) zero_eigenvalues = np.isclose(np.abs(eigs), 0, atol=1e-6) eigs = eigs[np.logical_not(zero_eigenvalues)] if q is None or q == 1: # plain Von Neumann entropy H = -1 * np.sum(eigs * np.log2(eigs)) else: prefactor = 1 / (1 - q) H = prefactor * np.log2((eigs ** q).sum()) return H A1 = nx.to_numpy_array(G1) A2 = nx.to_numpy_array(G2) rho1 = density_matrix(A1, beta) rho2 = density_matrix(A2, beta) mix = (rho1 + rho2) / 2 H0 = renyi_entropy(mix, q) H1 = renyi_entropy(rho1, q) H2 = renyi_entropy(rho2, q) dist = np.sqrt(H0 - 0.5 * (H1 + H2)) self.results['density_matrix_1'] = rho1 self.results['density_matrix_2'] = rho2 self.results['mixture_matrix'] = mix self.results['entropy_1'] = H1 self.results['entropy_2'] = H2 self.results['entropy_mixture'] = H0 self.results['dist'] = dist return dist